by Janet Schiesl It’s that exciting Back-to-School time of year. This involves a change of schedules, an influx of paperwork and a lot of time management for you, your children and your famil...Read More
by Allison Weigensberg, POC Conference Chair I could not be more excited to officially invite you, our NAPO family, to the annual Professional Organizers in Canada National Conference! ...Read More
Sponsored Blog from Time Timer (NAPO Corporate Business Partner) “Back to School” season can be overwhelming if you aren’t prepared. The key is intentionality about where, when and how yo...Read More
By Amy Tokos Summer is the time to slow down, right? It goes too fast and as mentioned in an earlier post, if you don’t make a plan on how you want to spend it and who you want to spend it with, you...Read More
This quote by Joseph Wood Krutch, exemplifies the slow and lazy days of summer. Entering the third, and final month of summer we find ourselves winding down, taking stock and preparing for the upcom...Read More
Blog submitted by: Ellia Ryan This month’s theme is Travel and Summer Camp. You thought you had trouble keeping your home organized; now you have to shrink your available space down to a mere...Read More
As the weather turns warmer there is a shift into “summer mode.” Summer conjures up images of lazy days, a slower pace and a more relaxed outlook. However, in today’s 24-7 world, summer can ofte...Read More
Fordham University Research Study Recently, students at Fordham University conducted a study to identify the perceived value of hiring a Professional Organizer. This study identified reasons for hir...Read More
Sponsored Post: Courtesy of NAPO National CAM, Organized Living Garage organization systems are increasingly becoming a necessity in homes. The garage is the catch-all for storage, sports equipment, g...Read More
Stress Management I have always felt as though the approach to summer is a lot like taking that innocent, first step down the steep hill you have just finished climbing. As we approach summer, we of...Read More