Families find peace of mind through Trustworthy’s digital information storage

Imagine the relief of knowing your family’s important information is organized and securely stored, available whenever you or your loved ones need it. Here’s how four individuals found reassurance through Trustworthy.

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Sabrina Scandar:

Until a few years ago, 37-year-old product manager Sabrina Scandar wasn’t too concerned about organizing her family’s documents. That all changed when she and her husband welcomed their first child.

sabrina scandar

“I’m not sure that we had thought that much about an organization system, really, before we had kids,” Sabrina says. “And so it was random. The things we did need organized were probably in a variety of Google docs and folders, and then everything else was just in our brains.”

But everything changed when she and her husband welcomed their first child and, shortly afterward, Sabrina discovered she had a genetic predisposition to certain types of cancer.

Although Sabrina received the all-clear for now, the experience led her and her husband to confront how unprepared they were if the worst were to happen. Around then, Sabrina discovered Trustworthy’s secure information storage and organization system, designed for families, and she signed up.

Now her family’s important documents are kept on Trustworthy and can be shared with loved ones or trusted advisors whenever necessary.

“It just gave me a real sense of structure and organization that I needed and that I felt would be important for managing my life going forward,” she says. “But then also, in the event of something terrible happening to me or my husband, it gave me a lot of peace of mind to know that whoever then needed to organize things would know how to do that really easily.”

For Sabrina, Trustworthy offers day-to-day convenience too.

“Recently, we were trying to fill out some applications, and instead of going and trying to find the appropriate cards in some filing cabinet in my office, I was able to just pull up the Trustworthy app, find the information I needed, put it into the application, and go on.”

scott bennett

Scott Bennett:

Like Sabrina, Dallas resident Scott Bennett discovered that digital document storage was the best way to protect his family.

Scott and his wife had believed they were already doing a great job organizing their affairs. But in early 2023, as Scott awaited an urgently needed heart transplant, it became clear their organization was not as thorough as they’d thought. With Scott in a medically induced coma, his family struggled to access both essential and routine information they needed.

“I thought we were 90% organized, but my wife couldn’t get into my phone,” says Scott, now 52. “And when her husband was laying there, likely going to die, the last thing she needed to be troubled with was, ‘What is the password to the TV account?’”

Scott ultimately received a life-saving transplant, and afterward, he saw the importance of maintaining a secure, organized digital system that all family members could access.

That’s what led Scott, now 52, to the Trustworthy Family Operating System®, which gave him the ability to store and share digitized versions of important family documents.

After setting up his Trustworthy dashboard, Scott shared access with his adult children and walked them through the details. “If you’re going to raise a family, you want them to know where your stuff is,” Scott says. “You want them to have that ease.”

Kevin Rose:

For Kevin Rose, managing documents is more than just a task — it’s a necessity for both his personal and business life.

The 64-year-old family patriarch runs multiple businesses in Atlanta and further afield. As a photographer and photo studio owner, Kevin spent decades managing company documents that quickly piled up.

Kevin Rose

“I would have books of data,” Kevin says. “I’ve had corporate resolutions that I’ve had sitting in binders for years. I’ve had estate plans sitting in my office for years and never had them scanned and never had them in one location that was easily available.”

That changed when Kevin discovered Trustworthy. Kevin’s switch to digital document storage not only made running his businesses easier, but also, more importantly, it gave him peace of mind toward ensuring his adult children are on good financial footing.

“So there were documents in a lot of different locations, and that was the problem,” Kevin says. “My wife would say to me, ‘What happens if something happens to you?’

“She said, ‘Please make a list.’ And I always would laugh. I said, ‘It’s too much work to make a list of everything, and you wouldn’t understand it anyway.’ That’s when I started looking into the possibility of going with some software out there that would consolidate everything.”

Margueritte Andresen:

Margueritte Andresen, a 73-year-old retiree in North Carolina, is focusing on how she can best organize and preserve her personal legacy and how to pass it on to the people she loves most.

“Leaving a legacy is extremely important to me,” she says. “Although I have yet to fill out the books and videos on grandmotherly memories, I have hired trusted attorneys and investment advisors to help guide my financial investments, financial planning, and necessary legal documents.”

After a lifetime spent meticulously managing her affairs, Margueritte found that her “antiquated paper system” was difficult to navigate and nearly impossible to keep up to date. The burden of managing that load eased when Margueritte’s daughter Marie Edwards introduced her to Trustworthy.

With Trustworthy, Margueritte has found a dynamic solution to ensure that all of her loved ones have access to important family documents relating to her care, her finances, and her wishes for the future. This reassures Marie too.

“My mom is very organized already, but her documents are inaccessible to me and my siblings (from a distance). So, in the event that something terrible happens, we now have access to docs like her health insurance,” Marie says. “The digitization of her documents has given us all peace of mind, and I really look at it as a gift she’s given us.”


You too can find the peace of mind that Sabrina, Scott, Kevin, and Margueritte discovered through Trustworthy. Whether it’s ensuring your family is cared for, simplifying everyday tasks, or managing a lifetime’s worth of documents, Trustworthy can help you get your life organized. Try it for free for 14 days, without even having to provide a credit card number.

Written by Nash Riggins for Trustworthy.

This blog was provided by Trustworthy as part of a sponsor agreement through NAPO. The views and content in this post only reflect those of the sponsoring organization.”

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