Building an “Unapologetically You” Business

Everyone wants to be their authentic self. But 100% of us also get messages from others throughout our lives about who we should be, how we should behave, what we should do, and why whatever it is we want to do certainly won’t work. But beneath all of those stories about us is OUR unapologetic story about us.

Being unapologetically you starts with understanding who you are.

On this episode of Stand Out: Growing Your Organizing and Productivity Business, host Sarah Karakaian talks with guest Jessica Butts about learning about our personality type, growing in understanding and empathy toward others, and growing our business out of that sense of authenticity. Sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it?

Sarah and Jessica start the conversation with the turning point in Jessica’s life where she stopped living someone else’s expectation of her life. Becoming unapologetically Jessica did not happen overnight. It was a 5 year process, and she talks with Sarah about how she’s still learning and growing.

All of this has a profound impact on how we run our businesses. Jessica and Sarah go on to talk about how playing to our strengths and understanding more clearly the strengths and weaknesses of our clients can create clearer paths to success all around.

If you have heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, you will have a sense of Jessica’s starting point in helping people understand themselves. Myers-Briggs looks at 8 different personality traits: Extroversion/Introversion; Sensing/Intuiting; Thinking/Feeling; and Judging/Perceiving. A test can reveal which traits we lean toward and the effect this has on how we understand the world around us.

There’s much more packed into the interview – be sure you take a listen. To check out the podcast and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, visit:

Jessica is all about motivating, educating, and inspiring people to live their life in the front seat, using their innate abilities. Jessica was once living a life that was chosen for her instead of a life she had chosen for herself. She was working in corporate human resources, totally uninspired when a life changing event in her marriage finally got her to take control of her life and go back to graduate school and pursue her dreams of becoming a therapist.

She now teaches corporate workshops, conducts keynote speeches around the country, and is the author of two amazing books: Live Your Life from the Front Seat, and Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At.

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