Book Review: Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example


Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example

Book written by Steve McClatchy; Published by Wiley, February 2013, 192 pages
Reviewed by Crystal Sabalaske, NAPO Member; Founder of Cluttershrink, Langhorne, PA

Steve McClatchy, founder of Alleer Training and Consulting, has rightfully earned a reputation as a phenomenal, energizing, and captivating speaker. Every time he gives a presentation, he shares his passion for empowering others to take charge of their personal growth, work performance, leadership potential, and work life issues. Companies like Google, Disney, Wells Fargo, and Comcast have hired Steve to speak to their employees. His life-altering message is now available to everyone in his book Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example.

Steve suggests that human motivation is divided into two categories, tasks that move you toward “Gain” (something you want) and tasks that “Prevent Pain” (prevent loss of something you have). Everything we do falls into one of these two categories, and the way we prioritize the want-to-do tasks and the have-to-do tasks often influences our ability to be happy, reach our full potential, and become leaders both at work and in our personal lives.

He takes a look at how people have historically prioritized their tasks based on urgency, putting the most urgent tasks at the top of the to-do list and explains why doing it this way often leads to burn-out and plugging through life in maintenance mode. He advocates making time for “Gain” tasks, the only tasks that have the potential to move us forward, and suggests strategies for incorporating “Gain” tasks into our schedules.

Steve’s message resonates with executives and employees but is also written in a way that is relatable for any reader, including students, stay at home parents, and entrepreneurs. Steve also explores subjects well known to professional organizers and their clients such as procrastination, managing interruptions, and the importance of getting organized. This book is a great resource for organizers and our clients.

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